The Kushanas

Concept Explanation

The Kushanas

The Kushanas:

  • The Kushanas were a tribe from the steppes of Central Asia. The Kushanas migrated to India and gradually occupied parts of Iran, Afghanistan and north-western India.
  • The power of the Kushanas reached its zenith under Kanishka (120-144 CE). The Kushanas exchanged embassies with the Chinese as well as the Romans.
  • Purushapura (present-day Peshawar) was Kanishka’s capital.
  • He issued numerous gold coins, which can be found even as far east as Mathura and Benares.
  • Kanishka is believed to have created a calendar which came to be known as the Saka calendar.
  • The Saka Era starts counting years from 78 CE. The Saka calendar is the one officially followed by the Indian government today. After ruling for over 200 years, from the middle of the Ist century CE to the 3rd century CE, the Kushana Empire collapsed.

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